Nelson Camera Club
Site Last Updated - 11th February 2025
Annual Competition - January 2015
Projected Digital Images
1st Place and winner of the Henry Smith Cup
Mary's Shell 2 by Walker
2nd Place
Leader of the Pack by Howard Harrison
3rd Place
Clayton Le Woods Reservoir Revisited by Walker
1st Place and winner of the J.W.Smith Cup
Aphid Lion and Prey by Walker
2nd Place
Little Owl ( Wild ) by Andy Pritchard
3rd Place
Large Red Damselfly by Roger Johnstone
Annual Competition - January 2015Prints
Prints - General
1st Place and winner of the J W Frankland Cup
Last Rays of Sunlight above Langcliffe by Bill Smith
2nd Place
Fighting for the Lead by Howard Harrison
3rd Place
You're Nicked by Roger Johnstone
Prints - Photojournalism
1st Place and winner of the Ken Oldfield Trophy
Dismantling The Display of Remembrance Poppies,
Tower of London by Anne - Marie Imeson
2nd Place
Colne Grand Prix by Bill Smith
3rd Place
Low Emission Vehicle by Geoff Atkins
Prints - Monochrome
1st Place and winner of the Walter Harper Cup
Portrait of Roy with Hat by Bill Smith
2nd Place
Dry Berth Under the Cutty Sark, Greenwich
by Anne - Marie Imeson
3rd Place
The Fellsman Passing Pendle Hill by Roger Johnstone
Prints - Nature
1st Place and winner of the Maisie Alice Harrison Trophy
Wood Pigeons in Courting Mood by Ken Wilmore
2nd Place
Jay with Beechmast by Howard Harrison
3rd Place
Orange Tip Butterfly on Ribwort Plantain
by Roger Johnstone
Print Photographer of The Year 2014
went to
Tony Mellor
Projected Image Photographer of The Year 2014
went to
"The D F Jopson Cup"
for the best 5 minute AV Competition 2015, went to
Jeff Needham with
"Dales in View"
Monthly Print Competition - 21st April 2015
1st - Problems, Bill in his hanger - Bill Smith
2nd - BBC, Salford Quays - Howard Harrison
3rd - Going Underground - Roger Johnstone
4th - Wind Blown Robin - Bill Smith
5th - Broad Bodied Chaser - Roger Johnstone
6th - Pendle in Winter - Howard Harrison
Projected Digital Image Competition - 5th May 2015
1st - Red Squirrel - Howard Harrison
2nd - Inquisitive Blue Tit - Bill Smith
3rd - Puffin - Andy Pritchard
4th - Gannet - Andy Pritchard
5th - Common Red Damselflies, Mating - Ken Wilmore
1st - Hidden Secrets - Walker
2nd - Genesis - Walker
3rd - Storm Clouds in the City - Roger Johnstone
4th - The Fellsman, Passing Pendle Hill - Roger Johnstone
5th - Chasing Shadows - Cromer - Roger Johnstone
Monthly Print Competition - 21st April 2015
Monthly Print Competition - 19th May 2015
1st - Lone Tree at Winskill, Yorkshire Dales - Roger Johnstone
2nd - Dotterel, Migrant visitor to Pendle - Roger Johnstone
3rd - Clock Work - Bill Smith
4th - Harvest Mouse on Bluebells - Howard Harrison
5th - Just Hanging Around - Chris Robinson
6th - Weaver Attending the Loom - Jean Greenwood
Monthly Print Competition - 25th August 2015
1st - Small Skipper - Howard Harrison
2nd - Large Boulder on Twiston Scar - Bill Smith
3rd - Nuthatch - Bill Smith
4th - Fighting for the Lead - Bill Smith
5th - East Lancs 40's Gala - Bill Smith
6th - Just Another Day - Chris Robinson
Projected Digital Image Competition - 8th September 2015
1st - Leucistic Red Kite - Andy Pritchard
2nd - Wasp on Rosehip - Andy Pritchard
3rd - Wild Wood Mouse - Bill Smith
4th - Reed Bunting female - Howard Harrison
5th - Blackbird Feeding Young - Bill Smith
1st - Liverpool receives Cunards Salute - Keith Dean
2nd - Cavern Club Pub - Geoff Atkins
3rd - Chester Cathedral with Orchestra - Ken Wilmore
4th - I Wonder - Anne-Marie Imeson
5th - Orion and the Shell - Walker
Monthly Print Competition - 29th September 2015
1st - Victoria Quarter Arcades - Roger Johnstone
2nd - White Mute Swan - Ken Wilmore
3rd - Southern Hawker Dragonfly at Rest - Roger Johnstone
4th - Morgan Three Wheeler - Repairs - Bill Smith
5th - ‘Breitling’ - Wing Walkers - Ken Wilmore
6th - Living The Dream - Roger Johnstone
Themed Competition "Street Photography"- 13th October 2015
1st - Victoria Quarter Arcades - Roger Johnstone
2nd - White Mute Swan - Ken Wilmore
3rd - Southern Hawker Dragonfly at Rest - Roger Johnstone
4th - Morgan Three Wheeler - Repairs - Bill Smith
5th - ‘Breitling’ - Wing Walkers - Ken Wilmore
6th - Living The Dream - Roger Johnstone
1st - Playing to the Crowd - Ken Wilmore
2nd - Crawford Street Gang - Keith Dean
3rd - What a Lot of Hot Air - Walker
4th - Austerity Cuts - Walker
5th - Me and my Dog - Bill Smith
Monthly Print Competition - 3rd November 2015
1st - Colne Grand Prix 2015 - Howard Harrison
2nd - Britannia Storming past Long Preston - Bill Smith
3rd - St Michaels Church, Malamdale - Mike Dickinson
4th - Snow Ridge, Aiguille Du Midi, Chamonix - Anne-Marie Imeson
5th - Culinary Composition - Bill Smith
6th - Red Squirrel - Bill Smith
Projected Digital Image Competition - 8th September 2015
1st - Leucistic Red Kite - Andy Pritchard
2nd - Wasp on Rosehip - Andy Pritchard
3rd - Wild Wood Mouse - Bill Smith
4th - Reed Bunting female - Howard Harrison
5th - Blackbird Feeding Young - Bill Smith
1st - Liverpool receives Cunards Salute - Keith Dean
2nd - Cavern Club Pub - Geoff Atkins
3rd - Chester Cathedral with Orchestra - Ken Wilmore
4th - I Wonder - Anne-Marie Imeson
5th - Orion and the Shell - Walker
Projected Digital Image Competition - 1st December 2015
1st - Robin - Jean Greenwood
2nd - Wasp on Ivy - Andy Pritchard
3rd - Squabbling Starlings - Bill Smith
4th - Orange Tip on Rock Cress - Bill Smith
5th - Grey Squirrel - Keith Fanshaw
1st - Healey Dell - Walker
2nd - Route 66 - Michael Whittaker
3rd - Solitude - Walker
4th - Braver than Me - Andy Pritchard
5th - At the Water Hole - Walker
Morgan Three Wheeler - Repairs
Bill Smith
Print of the Year
Digital Image of the Year
Squabbling Starlings
Bill Smith