Nelson Camera Club
Site Last Updated - 11th February 2025
Entry requirements and guidelines
Revised January 2025
Nelson Camera Club holds many competitions, with at least five club competitions throughout the year.
During June and July, when we have day trips out instead of evening meetings.
Members are encouraged to enter all competitions and external judges, with excellent
photographic skills and knowledge, are invited to judge the entries and give valuable feedback.
Preparing prints for competition
Prints for competition are prepared to a set format so that they are less likely to be damaged during transit when going round to the various clubs and venues within the L&CPU, if they are chosen to represent the club in their competitions or folios. If prints do not conform to these sizes etc. they will not be eligible to be included in such competitions.
Prints may be home or trade processed
Mount size MUST BE 50x40 cm.
Mounts may be of any colour. Backing mount must be the same size as the front mount if used.
The total thickness of print and mount must not exceed 4mm.
There should be no tape on the back of a mount.
NOTE: There is no minimum mount size for entry, but only 50x40 cm mounts will be accepted for folios by L&CPU and ICPA.
Preparing a digital images for competition
Following L&CPU guidelines
All images in the digital competition will be in jpeg and projected in a landscape format, using sRGB colour space with a maximum size of 1600pixels wide and1200 pixels high.
Whatever the shape of the image you must “constrain proportions” but fit it within these limits. For example, a square image could be 1050x1050 pixels, a letterbox might be 1400 wide by 500 high. A “portrait” image can only be a maximum 1200 pixels high.
After resizing, if your image is less than the maximum size in either dimension the background must be filled with black. (It may be advisable to put a narrow white border around the image if the extremes of the image are very dark, so that the image will be well seen against a dark background.) The image will then appear on screen much like a mounted print and be shown to best advantage.
Open your image Then go to Image>Image size
In the Image Size dialog box ensure the “Constrain Proportions” and “Resample Image” boxes are ticked
Next change the Pixel Dimensions in either the width or height (not both) so that both numbers are within the limits :- 1600 wide and 1200 high (note that when one value is changed the other is recalculated.) The resolution in pixels/inch or pixels/cm is unimportant
Click OK
Go to Select> Select All Make sure white is your foreground colour
Go to Edit> Stroke Enter width 2 px Location inside
Click OK Select> Deselect
Go to Image>Canvas size
In the Canvas Size dialog box uncheck the relative box. Change the measurements to “pixels” instead of inches or cms and type in1600 for width and 1200 for height. In the drop down menu Canvas extension colour, choose black.
Click OK The outer area is now filled with black
(NB. In Photoshop 7 you must choose your background colour before going to Image>Canvas size)
If you have not altered the default settings in your camera or photoshop, then you will be in sRGB
In Photoshop, go to Edit> Convert to Profile
The dialog box will show your source colour space (your current colour space) and destination colour space. From the destination colour space drop down menu choose sRGB and click OK
Now save the image with your title (File - Save As) in jpeg format at the maximum image quality of 12 .
The image is now ready to be saved onto a memory stick or disk to be given to the club on the handing in date for the next competition.
Rules for Annual Competition (Amended January 2025)
An image or ‘significantly similar’ image may be used only once in either a print or digital image section
1. PRINT SECTION is divided into 2 sub sections
1. Open Colour/Monochrome Prints
2. Nature Prints
A member may submit a total of 5 prints. These 5 prints may be in any combination of open colour/monochrome and nature.
Mount size must be 50x40cm
Mounts may be any colour
Backing mount must be the same size as the front mount if used.
The total thickness of print and mount must not exceed 4mm.
Alternatively prints can be mounted on 50cm x 40cm card with a window opening and the print secured on the back with framers tape.
2. DIGITAL IMAGE SECTION is divided into 2 sub sections
1. Open
2. Nature
A member may submit 4 digital images in any combination of open and nature
File Format
- In landscape format 1600 pixels wide x 1200 pixels high
- In portrait format images should not exceed 1200 pixels high
Each file format must be sRGB, saved as JPEG maximum quality
If your image is less than the maximum in any direction, the unused area must be filled with
black to bring it up to size.
3. The committee to arrange for the entries to be judged by an independent judge
4. Prints and digital images can be entered in One Annual Competition only
5. The committee has the right to refuse any entryNOTE : Any competition entry may be held by the club for submission to outsidecompetitions and for Exhibition. It may also be displayed on the club website.
Monthly Competition Rules (Amended January 2025)
An image or ‘significantly similar’ image may be used only once in either a print or digital image competition in any one year
1. Four monthly competitions will be for PRINTS and DIGITAL IMAGES on the same evening
There are 2 sections – Open and Nature in both prints and digital
Members may enter a maximum of 4 images in any combination of prints and digital
(Entries can be in both Prints and Digital Images or in just one of them but the total number of images
must not exceed 4)
2. Prints may be HOME or TRADE processed
3. Mount Sizes must be 50x40cm
Mounts may be of any colour. Backing mount must be the same size as the front mount if used.
The total thickness of print and mount must not exceed 4mm.
Alternatively prints can be mounted on 50cm x 40cm card with a window opening and the print secured on the back with framers tape.
4. Prints and Digital Images can be entered in One monthly competition and also in One annual competition.
Points to be given to the first Four selected in each section in the Prints.
Four points for the 1 st place down to One point for the 4th place.
Points to be given to the first Five selected in each section in the DIGITAL IMAGES
Five points for the 1 st place down to One point for the 5th place
5. Photographer of the Year There are Two Sections
a. Print
b. Digital Image
All points earned by a worker in each monthly competition are addedPoints for prints and digital images are added separatelyThe winner in each section is the person who has the highest total marks for the year.6. Any competition entry may be held by the club for submission to outside competitions and forexhibition. It may also be displayed on the club website.
Definitions of Categories
Open Colour
Colour includes all images not classified as Monochrome or Nature
( Revised March 2018 )
Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible. Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. Processing of the captured image, by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging/burning, HDR, focus stacking and sharpening, is allowed. Cloning of image defects and minor distractions, including overlapping elements, are permitted when these do not distort the truth of the photographic statement. Images entered as Nature can have landscape, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms, botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food.
Images must be monochromatic. They may be singly toned in a single tone Colour. Monochrome prints with an added Colour must be entered in a Colour section. e.g. red post box. A Nature Subject in monochrome should be entered in a Nature section of any competition which has a nature category.