Nelson Camera Club
Site Last Updated - 11th February 2025
What's new?
Image of the Year 2014
Tuesday 6th January 2015
Adrian Lines ARPS,MPAGB,EFIAP,ABPE. judged both our Image of the Year competitions and he congratulated our members on the quality of the images in both print and digital competitions.
His task was not easy, he was presented with 30 prints and 30 digital images which have all been placed in the top six from all our competitions over the last 12 months and he had to choose just one print and just one digital from each group. The two winners turned out to be, Walker, taking the trophy for best digital, and Bill Smith taking the trophy for best print. Congratulations to you both.
Both images are now on the competitions page. Click here to see them.
New Gallery's
Anne-Marie Imeson has updated her image gallery with 15 of her most recent images, pop over to Anne-Marie's gallery to see them, or click here for a direct link.
Also Bill Smith has updated his gallery with 9 of his most recent images again click here to go straight to them.
Tuesday 2nd December
Our last Digital Image Competition of 2014 was held tonight and we had another remarkable number of entries, we had 82 in total, 61 entries in the Open section and 21 entries in the Nature section. The judge for tonight was Mr Harry Emmett, CPAGB of Accrington. The winning images are now on the Competitions page click here to see them.
Images Wanted
The Webmaster is looking for new images to place on our web sites pages, if any member would like to have their images displayed please contact Tony Mellor and he will give you the details and the format needed.
Tuesday 4th November 2014
The last print competition of the year was held tonight and we had 39 entries. It was good to see our new members taking an active part in entering the competition, results are now on the competitions page. Click here to see them.
Tuesday 21st October 2014
Our Themed Competition "Pollution" was a great success, we had a total of 62 entries from 20 different authors, the task of choosing the top 5 places went to Mr Gordon Bartley ARPS of Southport. After 5 rounds he managed to get his choices down to 10, and then he picked the winning 5, well done everybody, especially Bill Smith who won the competition and Bill gets the privilege of choosing the theme for next years competition. Click here to see the winning images.
Tuesday 30th September 2014
Our 4th print competition was held tonight and our judge was Mr Mike Davis from Rochdale, Mike has judged at Nelson quite a few times and he commented that the standard of our print workers had increased since he was last here. We had 39 entries and the top six entries have now been published on the competitions page, click here to see them.
Resultsof the 2nd Projected Image Competition have now been published on the web site, click here to see the results, we had a total of 65 entries, 27 Nature & 38 General. Well done to all who entered and made it a good night, and a very well done to you all who managed to get into the top 5 in each section, congratulations.
Tuesday 26th August
Our third print competition was held tonight, we had a total of 35 entries and again the standards were high, our judge Mr George Steele of Rochdale had the task of picking the top 6 which he commented "it was easier said than done". We all enjoyed his positive and constructive commentary, and a good night was enjoyed by all, to see the winning images click here
Tuesday 12th August
Tonight saw the return of Whitworth P.S. for the second leg of the "battle", we gave them a warm welcome and an even bigger challenge for their return visit, we came out on top yet again, but only by a narrow margin. There was 3 images that scored the maximum points, they were, "A Sorry State" by Chris Wright of Whitworth,"Clayton Le Woods Reservoir, Revisited" by Walker and "Relics in An Old Cellar" by Bill Smith both members of Nelson CC, well done to all who entered and made it a good night. Everybody enjoyed the evening and there are talks of another "battle" sometime in the future.
Take a look at the Club Diary page, the second half of this year's syllabus has now been published.
There is a change to the published syllabus, Members Night which was to take place on the 23rd September will now take place on the 14th October, and Hidden Snowdonia will now take place on the 23rd September, sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Recent competitions at the club again produced high standards - click here to see results and images for the Digital Competition on 6th May and the Print Competition on 20th May.
Monday 19th May
Our 'battle' with Whitworth Camera Club - at Whitworth for the first leg. We were given a warm welcome and a tough challenge - but we managed to win the first leg. For digital images (15 from each club) the score was Nelson 260, Whitworth 249; for the prints (10 from each club) Nelson scored 173 as against Whitworth's 156. The judge was Mike Stanley (Blackburn) who gave good commentary and advice.
A most enjoyable meeting, some tremendous images - a big thankyou to Whitworth members, and we look forward to the second leg in Nelson in August.
Tuesday 15th April
Tonight was the first print competition of 2014, we had 34 entries and the overall standard was excellent, it certainly set the pace for the rest of the year, to see the winners click here congratulations to all who entered, the quality of the prints was a credit to you all, well done.
Check out our new Tutorials page, just click on the "Tutorial" link on the main menu.
Saturday 22nd March 2014
Today was a close call for Nelson Camera Club who entered the ICPA Digital Knockout Competition, there were 13 clubs who entered from all over the northwest and when judged by Mr John Riley, Nelson Camera Club came in at third place, what another great achievement by our club members, well done to all those who entered.
Tuesday 11th March 2014
It was great to see so many people attending the club's annual event this evening, which was held at the ACE Centre for the second time. The theatre was an excellent space in which to show off some of the club's fabulous photography to the wider public, with the tiered seating giving everyone a splendid view of the proceedings.
Presentations included Pembrokeshire Coastal Path by Jeff Needham, North Berwick, the Home of Bass Rock, by Tony Mellor, If You Go Down to the Woods Today by Joan & John Bateson and the winning AV's from the club's annual AV competition, Ardnamurchan Estates by Keith Fanshawe, Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven by Tony Mellor and Pendle and it's Many Faces by Howard Harrison, we got loads of good feed back from the audience as they were leaving with comments as to what a splendid show we put on, thank you for your comments they are very much appreciated.
There was also a showing of entries to the club's Annual Digital Image Competition, with a selection of prints being displayed in the club's Annual Exhibition in the gallery in the foyer, which is running until 27th March.
Tuesday 4th March 2014
The club's annual exhibition opened today in the ACE Centre, and this exhibition will run up until Thursday 27th March.
There is no charge for admission so why not go along and see some of our members splendid work.
Saturday 1st March 2014
Our Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation was held tonight at the ACE Centre in Nelson, this is a really good night to get away from the club room and have a meal, a few drinks, and just have a
nice sociable evening, plus we get to know who's won what with our Annual Competition. We also now have 2 new Honorary Members, congratulations to Stanley & Jean Crick who have been members of Nelson Camera Club since 1958, that's 56 years service, that deserves a big thank you from all the members at the club and we hope you both enjoy being Honorary members for a long time to come. Plus, thanks to all who attended the Annual Dinner for making it such a good evening.
The results of our Annual Print & PDI Competition are now on the competitions page. Click here to view the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners - especially to TONY MELLOR, who produced some amazing photographs to gain first prizes in two of the four Print classes and both the Digital Image classes - a remarkable achievement. The other two Firsts in Prints went to Roger Johnstone and Tony Morris. Congratulations to ALL competitors for producing such a high standard in this year's Annual Competitions.
Tony Morris.
Just Added, three new links on the Photography Info page, full of tips, tricks, and good advice. These can be found under Tutorials follow the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Tuesday4th February 2014
Tonight we had our annual Audio Visual competition, we had 15 entries in total and our members were the judges. After viewing all the entries each member was given a voting sheet to vote for the AV they enjoyed the most, when the votes were counted we had three AV's in joint first place, they were.......
Pendle & It's Many Faces, by Howard Harrison.
Ardnamurcham Estates, by Keith Fanshaw, and
Of Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven, by Tony Mellor.
Well done all of you they were really good, and if you missed them or would like to see them again all three will be shown at our ACE Centre Presentation Night on the 11th March, tickets can be purchased from any of our members, tickets are £4 each.
Tuesday 21st January 2014
Our Annual General Meeting was held tonight and each of our club officials gave their reports, we had a good turn out of members and a lively discussion was had by all. There was only one bit of bad news and that was that the committee proposed to the members that with the cost of everything going up they thought it was time the members door admission went up from £1 to £1.50 on club nights, this was put to the members for a vote and it was passed unanimously, so although the membership fee is staying the same at £15 ( which is now due ) the cost of admission is now £1.50.
Could I also draw members attention to the club rules for entering competitions, any competition entry may be held by the club for submission to outside competitions and for exhibitions.
It may also be displayed on the club website. Rules
Have a look at the advert on the home page from 3B Systems and click on their link to see what they have to offer, there are some really good bargains, also go and have a look around their shop, you will find them on Carr Road in Nelson, tell them you saw the advert on Nelson Camera Club's website.
Amendment to Club Competition Rules, see rule 5 on Competitions page, or click here.
All images on this site are protected by copyright laws.
Copyright belongs to the individual photographers,
whose permission must be sought for use elsewhere.
Good News...Good News...Good News
It is our pleasure to announce that Nelson Camera Club had great success in the ICPA Annual Competition
( Inter Club Photographic Alliance )
The ICPA has a membership of 18 clubs mostly throughout Lancashire.
Nelson took 1st place in the Monochrome Print Section,
we also took 1st place in the Colour Print Section, and
we also came 3rd in the Digital Image Section
so now we are the proud holders of the
Toulmin Trophy for Monochrome Prints Section
and the
Arthur Clayton Rosebowl for Colour Print Section
The image below shows our president Mr John Bateson & our competition secretary Jean Greenwood with the Toulmin Trophy & the Arthur Clayton Rosebowl.
and that's not all.....................
On Saturday 16th November the L&CPU held the
Club PDI Knockout, and out of 38 clubs
we managed to gain 5th place, congratulation to all our members who entered images for this competition.
Click here to see all the results.
Mr & Mrs Stanley Crick with their Honorary Members Certificate
Mr Tony Mellor being presented with his Trophy's by our President Mr Howard Harrison
These two images scored well in our 'battle' with Whitworth - in fact they got top marks.
The above by Keith Dean,
below by David Threlfall
Nelson Camera Club
Our Annual Presentation
At The
ACE Centre Nelson
Tuesday 10th March 2015
"Old & New"
Images of Nelson
by Roger Johnstone & Tony Morris
Wildlife Photography
Andy Pritchard
A Selection of Images & AV's by Our Members
Doors open 7pm Admission £3
News 2014